
Privacy Policy

Who we are

Our website address is: https://www.pestsense.com/ and is the property of Pestsense PTY LTD.

Pestsense PTY LTD is a company registered and incorporated in Australia with the following business registration number: ABN 31 649 331 199 and the registered address: Level 38, 71 Eagle Street, Brisbane, Queensland, 4000 Australia
We take the privacy of all visitors and customers to our website very seriously. In this privacy and cookies policy, we have set out
We provide technology solutions to members of the pest management industry and their clients, to enable the delivery of integrated pest management services through a digital platform.

Policy Scope

With our headquarters in Australia, our business offers IoT products and services globally therefore we have decided to apply the legal regulatory requirements of both the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR) and the Australian Data Protection Act 1988, which includes the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs), when developing this policy.

We believe that combining the principles and requirements of both regulations will provides greater data rights and protections for our website visitors and customers.

This policy covers all data that is provided to us by visitors and customers using our website, and when contacting us by:
To comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 we are the data controller.
This policy has been approved by the Senior Management of Pestsense PTY LTD and is occasionally updated, to reflect changes in Data Protection & Online Privacy Legislation, therefore, we recommend you review this page from time to time.

How data is collected

We collect personal information in a variety of ways, including:

Why the data is collected

We collect the personal information necessary for the proper administration of our business and website and to provide our customers, prospects and website visitors with the information, products, services and support they request from us, in accordance with any product, service or support agreements, and includes the following:

The Personally Identifiable Information (PII) we collect

Personally Identifiable Information (PII): is information relating to natural persons who can be identified or who are identifiable, directly from the information in question; or who can be indirectly identified from that information in combination with other information.
The types of personal information we may collect about you include:

Anonymised Information

Sensitive information: We do not actively request sensitive information about you. If at any time we need to collect sensitive information about you, unless otherwise permitted by law, we will first obtain your consent in writing (email) and we will only use it as required or authorised by law.

Who we may share your PII with and why

We may disclose personal information to:

Overseas disclosure

While we store personal information in Australia, where we disclose your personal information to the third parties listed above, these third parties may store, transfer or access personal information outside of Australia, including but not limited to, United States of America, Europe, and the United Kingdom. When we are legally or contractually obligated to share your information, we use encryption as the primary method of protecting your personal information while in transit.

Your rights and controlling your personal information

The Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation) provides consumers with improved rights to their data and control over what organisations like PestSense can do with the data we have collected.
If you provide your personal information to us, you understand we will collect, store, use and disclose your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy. You do not have to provide your personal information to us, however, if you do not, it may affect our ability to provide our Services to you and your use of our Services.
Information from third parties: If we receive personal information about you from a third party, we will protect it as set out in this Privacy Policy. If you are a third party providing personal information about somebody else, you represent and warrant that you have such person’s consent to provide the personal information to us. Restrict and unsubscribe: You have the right to request that we restrict the processing your data – however please be advised that such a request my restrict our ability to provide you with our products and service.

If you choose to limit or restrict our ability to process your information please email your request to: [email protected]

To Unsubscribe: If you, at any time choose to unsubscribe from receiving our direct marketing emails, newsletters, or product notifications, simply unsubscribe but using the unsubscribe link in the footer of these emails. When you unsubscribe your name and email address will be instantly, automatically, and permanently deleted from our mailing list.

Complaints: If you wish to make a complaint, please contact us using the details below and provide us with full details of the complaint. We will promptly investigate your complaint and respond to you, in writing, setting out the outcome of our investigation and the steps we will take in response to your complaint.

If on receiving our response to your complaint you continue to be unsatisfied and dependent on the nature of your complaint, you have the right to escalate your complaints:

Storage and security

We are committed to ensuring that the personal information we collect is secure. To prevent unauthorised access, misuse, interference, loss, modification and disclosure, we have put in place suitable physical, technical, electronic and managerial procedures, to safeguard and secure personal information..

While we are committed to security, we cannot guarantee the security of any information that is transmitted to or by us over the Internet. The transmission and exchange of information is carried out at your own risk.


We use cookies on our website. Cookies are text files placed in your computer’s browser to store your preferences. Cookies, by themselves, do not tell us your email address or other personally identifiable information.

When visiting our website for the first time, you will be asked to accept the cookies we use on our website.

The types of Cookies we use

(a) Session cookies

Session cookies, also known as ‘temporary cookies’, help websites recognise users and the information provided when they navigate through a website. Session cookies only retain information about a user’s activities for as long as they are on the website. Once the web browser is closed, the cookies are deleted.

(b) Permanent cookies

Permanent cookies, also known as ‘persistent cookies’, remain in operation even after the web browser has closed. For example, they can remember login details and passwords, so web users don’t need to re-enter them every time they use a site.

We also use the following Cookies

Personalisation cookies to enable the storage of information about your preferences and to personalise the website for you.

Security Cookies – are used as an element of the broader security measures taken to protect customer accounts, and the data contained therein from unauthorised access and includes fraud prevention, fraudulent use of login credentials, threat detection and to protect our website and services.

Authentication cookies help us to identify you when you log into your account area within our customer portal which is accessed from our website The purpose of authenticating that you are the genuine account holder is to prevent fraudulent use of login credentials and to protect your account data.

Status cookies to help us to determine if you are logged into our website, this cookie helps us to ensure, website and customer portal security.

Analysis Cookies – are used to help us to analyse the use and performance of our website, customer portal and services – analysis cookies provide anonymised information about your browser version, you approximate geolocation, your use of our website. The purpose of collecting this data is to improve our website, products, service, and resources which we provide to you.

Cookie consent – we use cookies to store your preferences in relation to the use of cookies more generally. Cookies used for this purpose are to ensure our compliance with both: General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR) and the Australian Data Protection Act 1988, which includes the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs)

When you choose to provide us with your personal information, through our website, this information may be linked to the data stored in the cookie.

You can block cookies by activating the setting on your browser that allows you to refuse the setting of all or some cookies. However, if you use your browser settings to block all cookies (including essential cookies) you may not be able to access all or parts of the website and our Services.

If on receiving our response to your complaint you continue to be unsatisfied and dependent on the nature of your complaint, you have the right to escalate your complaints:

Links to other websites

Our website may contain links to other party’s websites. We do not have any control over those websites, and we are not responsible for the protection and privacy of any personal information which you provide whilst visiting those websites. Those websites are not governed by this Privacy Policy.

Use of Google API Services (this section applies to personal information accessed through Google API Services)

We use Google’s Application Programming Interface (API) Service to access GPS features].

Our use of information received from Google APIs will adhere to the Google API Services User Data Policy, including the Limited Use requirements set out in the Google API Services User Data Policy.

We limit our use of the personal information that we collect to providing or improving our Services. We do not use the personal information for any other purposes.

We only transfer the personal information to others if it is necessary to provide or improve our Services or as necessary to comply with applicable law or as part of a merger, acquisition, or sale of assets where we notify you of this.

We do not use or transfer the personal information for serving ads, including retargeting, personalised or interest-based advertising.

We don’t allow humans to read the personal information unless

  • we have first received your consent to view specific messages, files or other data.
  • it is necessary for security purposes (such as investigating a bug or abuse).
  • our use is limited to internal operations and the personal information (including derivations) have been aggregated and anonymised.

These restrictions apply to the raw data we obtain from the restricted scopes and data that is aggregated, anonymised, or derived from them.

We have policies and procedures in place setting out appropriate safeguards for protecting your personal information obtained with the Google APIs. We will also ensure that our employees, agents, contractors, and successors comply with the Google API Services Data Policy.

IoT Devices

Use of geo-localisation data

We collect your  approximate (in some circumstances precise) location via our IoT devices / hardware for the following purposes:

  • to enable you to use our IoT devices / hardware effectively for their purposes.
  • to improve the Services via the data collected.
  • to allow you to monitor the effectiveness of our Services in real time.
  • for security and safety.
  • to prevent and detect fraud; and
  • as permitted by law.

We collect this information when our mobile application is open (whether on-screen or not). If you do not want us to use your location for the purposes above, you should turn off the location services in your account settings in the mobile application or in your mobile phone settings. If you do not provide location information to us, we may not be able to provide our Services to you.


We may, at any time and at our discretion, vary this Privacy Policy by publishing the amended Privacy Policy on our website. We recommend you check our website regularly to ensure you are aware of our current Privacy Policy.

For any questions or notices, please contact us at:

PestSense Pty Ltd ABN 31 649 331 199

Email: [email protected]

Last update: 24th August 2022

© LegalVision ILP Pty Ltd & Anna M Heim Consulting